City Perspective
Lesson by Chris Mason
Teacher Notes

Project Description:
Let's create a unique cityscape, looking straight UP! With this lesson students will learn about one point perspective, how objects that are close to us are big and get smaller as they move away. Then they will use that lesson in a non-conventional way, looking up to the sky. There are various other side lessons that may be included, including what is a cityscape. Some students may be exposed to a compass and/or ruler, using them as art tools. Some may learn lessons on creating gradient color and/or the color wheel. It is even possible to branch out and celebrate the history or science of skyscrapers if you wish. Project may have suggested modifications for various grades.
Notice: Docent or Teacher Lead Project!
This lesson is meant to be done with a docent or teacher teaching the project. However, older students would be able to follow the video and follow the step-by-step instructions, varying it as they wish to create their own artwork.
Main Supplies
card stock, pencil, eraser, fine point sharpie, art compass (or: bowl, small plate, template – something to make a circle), ruler, scissors, crayons (or colored markers, pencils, watercolors), optional: handouts​, mounting paper
Docent/Teacher Resources
Video Lesson (available on google here)
Handouts (optional, various options available, chairs pick what to supply)
Handouts - Color Wheel - 4 styles (optional)
Sample Photos in Google Photos
includes some simpler samples from the AV workshop docents. Thank you!
includes some from the artist, including from middle school+ examples
Bonus Videos on Perspective:
Introduction to One Point Perspective - by Art Soup - 4 minutes - includes examples including one like this project and also some perspective tips.
Why do old paintings look so weird? | Art 101: Linear Perspective - by CBC Arts - 5 minutes - geared toward docents or older students about history of linear perspective.
Other Bonus Videos:​
This Artist Draws Detailed Cityscapes Entirely From Memory - by Great Big Story - 2 minutes - meet an artist famous for his amazing cityscapes.
New York in 8K Ultra HD - Capital of Earth - by 8K World - 10 minutes - skip to 4:50 (this link goes straight there) for good examples of looking up at the tall skyscrapers. (1:20 has some too, but not as much)
How do Sky Scrapers Work - by Lonely Planet Kids - 3 minutes - some cool facts about skyscrapers

Special thanks to:
Chris Mason for the wonderful project!